
Schedule of Events and Classes











Regarding courses, please refer to Student Handbook for the academic year in which you enrolled.


 Faculty members who will be conducting outdoor or off-campus activities as part of their classes in the Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies and students of the Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies who will be conducting outdoor or off-campus activities for their dissertations or other academic work should submit the required documents in accordance with the following. 〈参考〉本学ウェブサイト「教育・研究活動における安全管理」

提出書類・提出時期 Documents and Deadlines for Submission


 講義・実習・演習・体験型学習などの正規の授業で、担当教員・TA などが同行して実施する野外活動又は学外活動。

(提出時期:前期又は後期開始の1か月前まで 提出者:科目責任者)
 教育における野外・学外活動実施計画書(様式1) 記入例

(提出時期:活動実施の概ね1か月前まで 提出者:科目責任者)
 教育における野外・学外活動実施届(様式2) 記入例

≪学生チーム学外研究活動 TPL(Off-Campus Research Activities for Student Teams TPL)
 Off-campus activities conducted only by students as part of regular classes, such as lectures, practical training, exercises and hands-on learning.

(提出時期:前期又は後期開始の1か月前まで 提出者:科目責任者)

(提出時期:活動実施の概ね1か月前まで 提出者:学生チーム毎の代表学生(TPL代表))
  The representative student should submit Form 3 approximately one month prior to the activities.
 学生チーム学外研究活動事前届(様式3) 記入例
 Activity Notification for Off-Campus Research Activities for Students’ Team (Form 3)  Example

≪学生主体の野外研究活動・学外研究活動(Student-initiated Outdoor or Off-Campus Research Activities)
 Outdoor or Off-campus research activities conducted by students themselves for master’s theses, doctoral theses, or practicum reports, etc.

(提出時期:活動実施の概ね1か月前まで 提出者:学生)
 Students have to submit Form 4 to their supervisors approximately one month prior to the activities.
 学生主体の野外・学外研究活動事前届(様式4) 記入例
 Student Activity Pre-Notification for Education-related Outdoor and Off-Campus Activities (Form 4) Example

≪活動実施後(Actions to Take after Activities)
1)帰着報告 Return Arrival Report

  • 科目責任者は、不測の事態や緊急の事態が生じた場合には、活動終了後、速やかに学務課に帰着を報告する。
  • TPL代表は、活動終了後、速やかに科目責任者に帰着を報告する。
    The TPL representative should promptly report their return to the course faculty after the completion of the activity.
  • 学生主体の活動を行う学生は、活動終了後、速やかに指導教員に帰着を報告する。
    The student should promptly report their return to the supervisor after the completion of the activity.

2)事故・事件・ヒヤリハット・不安情報の提供 Provision of accident and close-call information
 野外活動又は学外活動の安全対策に資する情報がある場合、「事故・事件・ヒヤリハット・不安情報」(様式5) (記入例)を学務課に提供する。
 Report for Accidents, Incidents, Near-misses and Uneasy Information (Outdoor and Off-Campus Activities in Education)(Form 5) should be submitted to the Student Affairs Section if there is information that would contribute to outdoor or off-campus activity safety measures.


〈Reference〉Items to be considered when planning safety measures

提出方法 How to Submit

  • 様式1・様式2・様式3は下記提出用フォームから提出すること。
  • 様式4は活動を行う学生からwordファイルで指導教員に提出すること。 指導教員は専攻又はコースの承認を得ること。承認を得た後、指導教員あるいは専攻又はコースの代表者は実施前日までに様式4に専攻・コースの承認日を追記して下記提出用フォームから提出すること。
  • Form 1, Form 2, and Form 3 should be submitted using the "Form for Submission" below.
  • Students should submit Form 4 to their supervisors as a MS-WORD file. The supervisor have to obtain approval from the department or course, and then the supervisor or a representative of the department or the course has to submit the Form 4 with the approval date of the department or the course at least one day prior to the implementation by the "Forms for Submission" below.

提出用フォーム Form for Submission
※このフォームの入力にはSSO-KIDが必要です。SSO-KID is required to enter this form.